The program Design Gov is an initiative by the UAE Government, created to “Connect those who serve to the people they serve.” By bringing Human Centred Design into the heart of the government they’re empowering their leaders to meet the needs of their people – utilising the power of creativity and co-creation.
With Mischief Makers I co-designed the learning, facilitated the sessions and coached the participants on their journey.
How might we ignite the power of human-centered design and creative leadership within the UAE government by building creative capabilities and establishing new creative roles?
Introducing the power of human centered design into the heart of the United Arab Emirates Government embedding new creative skills and mindsets for the future.
A community of practitioners transforming into design leaders: Through a 17-week long learning journey, the program Learn & Design equipped 35 future creative leaders from a number of bodies within the UAE government who are dedicated to creating inclusive and long-lasting impact. By applying HCD on the pressing local challenges, we weaved a collaborative community of Design Practitioners.
Desired Outcomes
- Equipping participants with mindsets, skill sets and tools of human centred design
- Understanding the value of collaboration, empathy and creative confidence.
- Changing ways of thinking, opening up & stretching personally